Thursday, January 9, 2014

I am Number Four IF IT WAS A MOVIE post

          If someone wanted to film I am Number Four they would have trouble getting the battle at the end of the book to even look somewhat realistic. This is because there are several GIANT (Giant as in 30-40 foot tall) lizards that attack and destroy a school and of course that part would have to be animated and there simply is not that many good, cheap animation programs that would make it look super realistic.
          Three scenes that I think MUST be included into the movie would be a short scene of the battle of Lorien that ended up destroying their home and forcing numbers 1-9 to retreat to earth and hide in plain sight, the scene would be like a preview. Another scene would be the scene where number four discovers his telekinesis, this is an important scene because he finds a legacy that he would use in the rest of the story multiple times. The most important scene that absolutely, positively MUST be included in the movie is the final battle at the school that number four and six defeat a large battalion of Mogadorians and find safety for a while.
          Two scenes that should be trashed are most likely the scene where number four is training in his backyard and playing with fire, tree trunks and spears, this is because nothing major is gained from this scene, and nothing much exciting happens, either. Another scene that the book could do without is the scene where number three is killed by the Mogadorians, this scene can be done without because even though number three is/was significant to the storyline, he added no importance to the story other than put alot of excitement into the first few chapters.

1 comment:

  1. Ah you should've said your post would be a spoiler alert!! Oh well!
